Improving (Day 2621)

A cold, wet and windy wander with Sigyn was followed by a trip to Tesco for the weekly shop. Once the shopping was all put away at home, my beautiful wife and I headed for Stromness. We checked on George, Red, Jeeps and Jasper before heading along to Tarin and the donkey. With remarkably little hassle, we got Tarin loaded into the trailer and took her back to her owner. One less hoss to deal with. We collected some hay, then back to Stromness and a bit more time with our guys, and some time with the donkey too.
Home for lunch, then I took Sigyn out while HV got ready and zoomed off to work. Shortly after taking the pic for today, I was enveloped in more drizzle. It didn't last long and I was able to get our grass cut.
It is still stupidly windy, but the sun has finally made an appearance. Fingers crossed it sticks around a while this time...

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