Garden views

The second day of bright, sunny, warm weather. We sat in our back garden relaxing, something we very rarely do. But going inside at times to catch up on the Wimbledon men’s final between Djokovic and Kyrios.

I took a few photos during the afternoon, a few examples here:

* the sparrows are still nesting in our roof. This one seemed to be feeling the heat
* I noticed a little skipper butterfly in our conservatory. I rescued it. It’s wing beating on the glass has marked it with butterfly dust
* J loves following planes as they cross on the flight radar app, fascinated by where they are going to and from. We lie under a number of flyways - routes from the European mainland to Dublin and North America and beyond, and to and from London and the continent to Scotland and Iceland
* the bees have been busy. The carder bees enjoy the perennial sweet pea flowers

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