Munich Day 1

First full day in Munich. 17k steps!

Purely by chance we visited the first three places on the top ten highlights list in my DK Eyewitness Top10 Munich guide book.

1. Marienplatz
2. Frauenkirche
3. Residenz

We had some sad news though first thing as mrsfb got a message from a cousin to tell her that her favourite uncle had died suddenly, after a fall. She lit a candle for him in the Frauenkirche (first extra).

The Residenz was very impressive. The main blip is the Antiquarium, a 69m long vault embellished with allegorical frescoes, grotesque paintings and Bavarian landscapes.

The second extra is the Cuvilliés-Theater, built in 1751-5 and considered the most beautiful Rococo theatre in Europe. You can spot daughter#2 in the bottom right hand corner :-)

It wasn't a great day weather wise with some showers (third extra) but we were able to go inside a lot so that didn't matter.

We walked from Marienplatz to the Viktualienmarkt, a daily food market originated in 1807. I've never seen so many different types of mushroom before. The last extra is a large maypole in the centre of the market. They like maypoles in Munich - in fact there's one right outside daughter#2's apartment.

We were a bit disappointed when we got back to the hotel as our room hadn't been serviced. They came at 6.30 to do it just as we were having a rest before going out for an evening meal. I sent them away, which was actually quite difficult as they didn't speak any English and our German is poor.

We had our meal in an Italian restaurant about 2 minutes away from daughter#2's apartment. It was nice as her fiancé had been able to surprise us by coming home earlier than expected from his internship in Heidelberg.  He is having to do that as part of his university course. He has an impressive certificate on the wall now though confirming he completed his Luftwaffe officer training. He doesn't get full officer status until he finishes his course though.

We sat outside at the restaurant but it got really cold. We could have gone inside but it was quite busy so we felt safer (Covid wise) outside. They brought us some blankets which helped!

One year ago:
The Wilderness

Backblipped on 12 July.

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