
By Eldora19

Road trip

A good night sleep in the pod for all. We got up and ready and drove out to Dunkeld, I’d not been before but it was very pretty. We went to a fantastic bakery called Aran and little produce shop called Lon owned by the same person, extra blip is of the beautiful bouquets for sale. Another drive to Pitlochry, lovely sunshine and views of the landscape. We parked next to a playpark for S to burn off some steam and she rode her bike around the skatepark. I took this Blip whilst we had lunch and thought it quite accurately summed up how tiring it is being on holiday with a small child, especially when you’re not feeling very well. Pitlochry was nice down by the river and dam but very busy. We drove back to Callander and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant which was much better than expected. S still full of energy after a day mostly in the car so we explored the backroads of Callander and found a playpark. Back at the pod now and feeling anxious about the long awaited hospital appointment S has tomorrow.

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