
Met estate agent and two men who sell and install Assistep. They measured and examined this staircase which leads from behind the street entrance door up to the door into house.
I'm hoping they can install their machine to make this house viable.
We went for coffee and I got all the sales talk, but it really does look to be an excellent product and unique. It's a Norwegian invention and they still order them to be made to specification there.

Only problem is the huge price! They have payment plans and you get credit d'impots of 25%. Still . . .

Went back to agent and signed formal offer dependent on an electrian explaining finer detail of diagnostique report. Not best time to be looking for that in France!

Went and had lunch with an old friend in Pontorson.

Lots to think about.

Heat getting ridiculous. Came out of estate agents at 11:15 and pharmacie over the road was signing 36°.
Gyp quite distressed today. She had a brief plunge in lake on way back and came out stinking from the mud!

Lots of gossiping with neighbours this evening. Had forgotten tomorrow is July 14th.

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