Life with two blue crutches…

… or is it? 
My brother collected me from home to go to the physiotherapy appointment. I’ve had a few people tell me that a Fiat 500 is way too low after a hip replacement. Well the only problem I encountered was the flipping cushion I took with me to Elise the level an inch or two. Once I got rid of the I could get in and out no bother at all!
I forgot to take photographs again today so this snap in the physio’s waiting room is the best I can manage.
The physio collected me from the waiting area and we walked through the gym to his room. His first comment was ‘are you using these crutches because you need them or because you think you have to use them?’ I admitted that really they were getting in the way and said I only ever use one at home. So it’s agreed that I may as well use one if it makes me feel safer on the stairs and one or two when out in the street.
Everything else was fine. All range of movement and bending fine so just keep up the good work. Further appointment in 2 weeks time.
So all goood.
This morning I had my first circuit off the traffic road so overall I’m quite knackered. Hopefully knackered enough to get a good nights sleep. I’m not surviving this heat at all!

Oh and maybe happiest of all the physio confirmed I have dissolving stitches. Call me a wimp but I don’t love having stitches removed…

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