Life with blue crutches…

I’m very happy to say that today is much cooler and I think tomorrow may be even cooler still.
I need to extend my walking distance so that I can go around the block away from the traffic so if tomorrow really is cooler that’s when I’ll start. 
But today I stuck to the shop next door. I only wanted a pack of red milk and an ice cream. No red milk (full fat) so I had to make do with the blue semi skimmed. But as I walked towards the freezer I spotted square crisps! Becky’s never sold them before which was a nuisance because they’re the only crisps I like. My bloods have recently shown a deficiency of sodium so I have my GPs permission to eat square crisps. I’m looking forward to this evening’s snack!
Big day tomorrow; outing to the physiotherapist. My brother is collecting me so we’ll see whether I can get in and out of a Fiat 500

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