Ten years on

A dull, dreary, damp, cloudy day.

I don't remember what the weather was like ten years ago, but what I do remember is that my mother was buried on 14th May 1999, having died two days before that at the age of 86. I've been thinking of her quite a bit recently, and all the more so because I got word on Tuesday that a friend's mother had died that morning. If the parallels had followed through, I would have been at a funeral today just as I was ten years ago. As it is, the friend's mother will be buried tomorrow. The removal to the church happened this evening, and I was there.

When I got home, my eye was caught by this old photograph which still stands on a shelf in an alcove in my living room, and it was only natural that it should be blipped. It looks too old to be my mum, so I'm assuming it's my grandmother, her mother. Whoever it actually is, there's a definite resemblance to my mother.

Here's to your memory, mum.

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