Eye to Eye

By HilarysView

Mont Blanc, maybe a last real Winter Alpine View.

Mont Blanc is in the middle of the skyline from this point, Pierre de Moelle. Click to expand your view. I rarely burble on about my day but I have below because I got lost!

This morning it was one of those exceptional, clear sparkly days so I dropped David at the café - I was on a mission so did not have coffee which turned out to be a big mistake later - and drove towards a place where I had seen black grouse before. I spent a lot of time last year trying, unsuccessfully, to photograph those elusive birds. Of course this year we have much more snow than is normal so I had to abandon the car lower down and walk a long way. This was fine until I met the Swiss Military, "Sorry you can't go beyond this point." So I had to turn round and retrace my steps, taking this photo as I did. Unfortunately I thought I could take a short cut, ended up much lower than the car and had to walk back up through the forest. We were then late to kayak on the lake with our friends. Great paddle though but the light was too harsh for blip photography, 25 degrees, lovely. ¨Then I was late for my yoga classes. Now I am just exhausted! Tomorrow the rain is due in the afternoon so rest should happen!

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