The Scottish Version of the Heatwave

What a difference half a day makes. LeeAnne picked me up in Barney to venture forth to Porty beach to count the jellyfish as rain and mist enveloped the land. As luck would have it the tide was so far out that any jelly fish were very likely the better part of a mile off shore. With counting suspended we repaired to the Beach House for breakfast and to people watch.
As we walked back to the car, this colourful ‘sitootery’ shone through the greyness of its rainy surroundings. My extra is the depressing alternative.

Safely deposited home, I thought it was going to be a day for reading, but lo and behold did the sun not appear and the world dried up giving me no excuse not to stravaig round the policies which were very busy with what imagine are the families of all the students who are graduating every day at the moment.

As it’s Friday again , I’m off for the newly reinstated TGIF drinks at the nearby hostelry.

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