
By Houseonahill6

Flying high

The day started with a few rain showers and it was cool .The sun came out and I enjoyed a few hours in the garden mainly chasing butterflies :)
After dinner I looked through the telescope and spotted a few dolphins leaping around so we quickly got ready and headed for the Point.We were lucky as there was plenty of parking, I do not think people were expecting the dolphins to be around an hour before low tide.
We spent a pleasant hour watching several dolphins hunting and leaping, some close to shore and some further out. This baby dolphin was showing off to it’s Mum, jumping much higher than her . What a special sight :)
There were several beautiful blue jelly fish bobbing about in the water and the usual Herring Gull picking up anything it could find.
Back home to watch another episode of Stranger Things, one more to go !

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