Viva Las Vegas

A trip to the cinema to see “Elvis” last night. If you haven’t seen it yet, I heartily recommend you try and do so before it disappears from the big screen. Austin Butler is incredible as Elvis - he has the voice as well as the look and there were times when I really thought I was watching original documentary footage only for the camera to pan across and you realised it was all actors. Tom Hanks was excellent as Colonel Parker. If his portrayal was accurate, then you got the impression that he totally controlled and manipulated Elvis throughout all his career and was probably a significant factor in the star’s early death. Definitely a film with a lot more depth to it than just a simple “juke box musical” as it wasn’t afraid to tackle head on the issues of race and segregation that plagued the Deep South of the USA in the 1950s and 60s.
Started today with a 5K run before it got too hot. My usual route was not possible due to it being a Race Day in Chester, so I just ran rather aimlessly around until I clocked up the requisite distance!
Going to catch another film tonight on our way back to Kendal. Though I have a feeling that “Thor, Love and Thunder” may not have the same emotional intensity as last night’s viewing.

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