
Strava Day 412***
Finished a mobility/stability/flexibility morning routine and actually used some of the weights in this photo. Am often "neglecting" them these days since I prefer lifting T and chasing moments of family members plus some occasional street photography (a luxury).
Yesterday, Gramps cooked Beef Nilaga (super oily that we had difficulty washing dishes). Mang Robert, our neighbor gave us Chili Chicken with Papaya (also super oily). Since we have a small fridge and everyone at home (Gramps, B, Gramma, T and myself) are either forgetful or not mindful (whenever we multi-task), decided to transfer the rest of the leftover food in smaller containers/microwaveables and walk from our home to Lola Naty's. It gave me a sense of fulfillment since was able to do that even without a flashlight/phone light and even with the neighbor's (Lola Nellie's) dogs' barking. No idea why the lamp light in the path was off/out last night.
Ineffably grateful everyday to our Creator, a supportive family, nature, books and the will to get up and persevere. Have a good one!

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