Cattle Grazing

Just after 9.30 am I said to Len, let's go to Nanpantan Reservoir for a walk with Basil before it gets too hot.

I wonder if people appreciate the range of wildlife and plants that you can see there. The thistles are doing well with purple flowers and frothy seedheads. The meadowsweet scents the place out. Severn Trent have let the reeds and other plants populate the bankside, possibly to strengthen the banks? I'm not sure that the carp fishermen approve.

Then home to stay inside a darkened house with drawn curtains and closed windows and doors. Ultimately, it hasn't seemed to be such a hot day as I expected but the next two will be something different. I covered Basil with a damp tea towel. I'm not sure he approved but he seemed very refreshed after I took it off.

RPS Travel Group talk this afternoon.

Today's shot of grazing cows taken through a gap in the foliage of an oak tree at Nanpantan.

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