Pictorial blethers

By blethers

As happy as ...

Sunday. Still not hot here, though quite benignly warm as the day went on. Church was even ... chilly, though that may well have been because I dressed for the weather we're told to expect/fear/prepare for (delete as appropriate) rather than the chilly interior of a tall stone building. Good service, though - cracking feminist sermon on Martha and Mary (from a man) and a rousing last verse of the final hymn which actually had the congregation belting it out. And great crack afterwards in the car park - we were ages getting home for coffee on the patio. 

Then, of course, lunch was late, and we went walking late, and we were home much later than we expected because we met this wee wumman with a big camera (like the ones in Silent Witness, complete with ring flash) and she recognised me from Flickr, of all things, and yes, I did recognise her online name, and we got talking ...Anyway, we did get home eventually and I was super efficient making my own burgers as well as cooking them and now I've been dozing while a violent Czech movie ranted incomprehensibly from the telly and so it's exactly midnight and time I was in bed ...

But not before I blip this pair of birds on a rock off the shore road, looking companionably out to sea. My boss when I was teaching - a larger-than-life Australian woman - used to say of someone that they were "as happy as a shag on a rock", so I'm saying that's what these are. They might, of course, be something else, like cormorants, but I can't tell.

Can you? 

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