Mr and Miss Flum are away for a few days so I have the place to myself and time to Get On With Stuff. That's the theory but, in this heat, progress may be slow.

However, I hit the ground running, and vacuumed the sunroom before it got too hot (failed - I was dripping), put on a towel wash and afterwards washed my winter jackets. I made the gooseberry curd, all 4 lbs of it, which is time-consuming and labour-intensive -that's all potted and labelled. I've put the bins out and now fancy a bath.

This little visitor, a vine weevil, I met face-to-face as I was getting a large mixing bowl out of the cupboard, so snapped it to secure my blip. It is now categorised as birdfood.

There looks to be a sunset brewing but I'm posting now so I can tick it off my list.

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