
By Wildwood

What a Feast!

I am writing this without a picture in case I want to take one later at our "party". I am surprised at how difficult it is...apparently whatever I'm inspired to write comes from the picture....

Our unseasonably warm weather has vanished into morning clouds, weak afternoon sunshine and a biting little wind. It has occurred to me that the people coming to the party tonight all know each other better than WE know THEM! We're excited to be showing off their work to them though, having added our own touches--pillows, lanterns, plastic plates and all! I must go outside and wipe off all the tables and chairs--one drawback of outdoor furniture, especially when the birds (some rather large ones, by the look of things) use them as perches.

Oilman has been toiling away in the dirt for hours--I have no idea what he's doing, although I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to figure it out by what he has left behind. His priorities are certainly different than mine. He will work for ages clearing weeds from some obscure (to me anyway) patch of ground while giant thistles appear in the middle of the path! Then he will leave the pitchfork sticking in the ground, open bags of soil, irrigation pipes, hoses and watering cans scattered about and call it done. Then he will ask me if I know where his shovel is! I must admit however, that when I tried to dig out the offending giant thistle myself, the blade of the shovel just clanged against rocks. I finally got it out, but only by using the he shovel more as a pry bar then as something to dig a hole with. It takes a jackhammer to plant a plant!

Now I must make some guacamole and other appetizers, and await the arrival of the food!

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