These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Early Birds!

Well, we have an early bird in our house, and as such, all little people have been early birds! In an attempt to remain sain, the kids have been helping me get ready in the mornings... This is the time I'm supposed to have by myself, but lately, have not. Anyways, this morning, after our bath, I surprised Mia by putting my old bath robe on her. She thought it was the coolest! And since she was wearing my bath robe, she decided she better use my electric toothbrush! So, here she is, decked out in my robe, using my toothbrush, and happy as could be!

We had a busy morning with open playtime and library storytime and spent the afternoon at home. All kids napped, and I worked on Sourdough french bread and got some things ready for dinner. I started a sourdough starter this week (which needs to be blipped) and I"ve been busy trying to make sourdough english muffins. Last night's batch was no good and tonight's batch, which is a completely different recipe is much better. I have yet to duplicate my father's muffins, which seems to be the goal in almost everything I prepare, but at least they taste good. I'm in love with my starter and I've decided that it's my new pet. I tend to it, feed it, watch it... I just love it!

I have a few back blips if interested. Apparently, I've been too busy with my new sourdough pet to get my pictures uploaded in a timely fashion. Goodnight all!

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