These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Unexpected fun!

It's still early in our day, but we've accomplished a lot, including an unexpected water balloon experience. I was cleaning up some art supplies and came across a bag of water balloons. Since it's our first nice day in a long time, I decided to fill a few up and let the kids drop them off the deck. After they were all filled up, we explained how water balloons are fun but sometimes they pop and can make us wet. We really wanted to help Hannah, who's not yet 2 understand.

Alas, they had fun throwing the balloons, until the last part, when they each got a giant balloon. Tyler's was so heavy, he couldn't get it over the ledge of the deck.... and, it landed right in a container we have filled with dirt for a garden. Well, the dirt spattered everywhere, especially all over Hannah. It scared Mia out of her pants and we instantly had a major problem!

As such, we had a mid day bath for all three kids. They ended up having a blast in the tub, blowing bubbles, going under water and floating on their backs. Here's Tyler, lounging in the tub (probably quite proud of the chaos he caused!)

If I get the chance, I'll add a video of the actual event for viewing pleasure!

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