These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Sunny days!

We seem to have a tradition around our house. Whenever the weather gets above 65 degrees, we run through the sprinkler! We had a very beautiful day today and tomorrow is supposed to be nice too - so we'll get in as much sprinkler fun as we can. Tonight, Mia started the charge and Tyler decided to join in. A little later, hannah thought it looked like fun but once she was soaking wet, the fun was done!

We had a wonderful day today, enjoying the first full day of Aunt Barb's visit. I'll try and blip her but she avoids cameras like the plague. We got to have a late birthday celebration for her tonight and the kids are thrilled to have her here visiting!

We went into Kelly's house to be sold today and spent a few hours cleaning from head to foot. It's pretty much ready to hand over to the buyers on Wednesday. What a relief when that house is done with and they can just look on to the future! happy weekend everyone!

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