Hot Hot Hot...

..too hot for me! 

As much as I would have preferred to sit on my butt in the comfort of AC all day, I did have some errands to do and as I also had promised myself that I would get out of the house at least once a day like a normal person, I ventured out to get some groceries and pick up Maggie's cat food. Once that was done, both Maggie and I parked our butts back onto the sofa and settled in for an afternoon of reading and napping in relative comfort....but of course, that meant no blip had been captured..

So this evening, I gathered up the energy to once again go out into that sauna of heat and humidity and headed to the lake where surely it would be cooler..and it was ... a bit.... but not enough for me.... I snapped a few photos of people braver than me sitting out in the sun catching the last rays of the day.. and then hurried back home to the comfort of AC...

Yes..we had a heat alert here today and it was really hot and humid..but it seems to be like that everywhere, only much is unbelievable to see those record-breaking temperatures all over the globe and the devastation caused by this the new world in which we live?

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