Goleuni yn teyrnasu

Goleuni yn teyrnasu ~ Light reigns

“Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world.”

—Arnold Newman

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Rydyn ni ar drugaredd y tywydd, yn aros am dipyn bach o law. Rydw i'n meddwl ein bod ni'n eithaf lwcus yma - mae'r mae'r glaswellt yn dal i fod yn wyrdd - ond byddai'n dda gweld braf gweld tywydd oerach, gwlypach. Cawson ni lwyaid o law heddiw. Roedd taranau, ond dim llawer arall.

Rydyn ni'n gwella'n raddol o Covid. Mae'n dda i weld Nor'dzin a Daniel yn dechrau dod yn well, Rydw i'n meddwl mai'n bryd cael prawf arall...

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We are at the mercy of the weather, waiting for a little bit of rain. I think we are quite lucky here - the grass is still green - but it would be nice to see some cooler, wetter weather. We had a spoonful of rain today. There was thunder, but not much else.

We are gradually recovering from Covid. It's good to see Nor'dzin and Daniel starting to get better, I think it's time for another test...

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