On a school night

Last night was horrendous heat-wise and I think I only had about 3 hours sleep so today has been a struggle. We all agreed that it seemed to get even hotter at about three o’clock this morning. Bailey was certainly feeling it and his panting was an added factor to sleeplessness. Much cooler today although all the buildings are going to take a while to cool down.

I am at least getting to that point when the significant jobs are being ticked off. Some form filling, decision making, leading a celebration assembly and a parent meeting at the end of the day are all making Friday at 3:15 seem closer.

And tonight we have been out for tapas as a team. It’s been good to sit around a table together. So I am now on the peppermint tea, standing on Bailey’s cool mat with the fan on. Hopefully all of those factors will aid a proper night’s sleep.

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