Late blip! Chainsaw sculpture.

We had a circular 3 mile walk from my sister’s house this afternoon, along underneath what is known as Crag Tops by the River Nidd.
It set off down through ancient woodland to the river where we then wandered along the narrow road flanked by the River. There are some beautiful old restored properties, some with gardens and land stretching to the river banks, and I must add, they do get flooded in extreme conditions.
I spotted this sculpture in a clearing.
It is the work of Durham artist Tommy Craggs. He started to do the sculptures without anyone being aware of them, until they were spotted. No-one knew who had done them. The person became known as the “guerilla” tree sculptor in Knaresborough. It was a mystery.
There are three – a kingfisher, a fantasy tree creature and a dragon – which are up to 20ft high. All in locations along the River Nidd.
Eventually the identity was revealed.
Here’s a quote from the local press at that time.
“ Mr Craggs, 47, who has also created sculptures at Fir Tree, near Crook, in County Durham, and Barnes Park, in Sunderland, said he was surprised to discover he had become the centre of a mystery and that he had simply forgotten to sign the artworks.”
(He had been commissioned by a local land owner to make them.)

He said: “I was shocked to find myself described as like Banksy because many people must have seen me doing them – it’s noisy work and one of the sculptures took me six days”

They are very beautiful, and even now, having seen them a few times when we’ve been up in Knaresborough. Mr Craggs, 47, who has also created sculptures at Fir Tree, near Crook, in County Durham, and Barnes Park, in Sunderland, said he was surprised to discover he had become the centre of a mystery and that he had simply forgotten to sign the artworks.

He said: “I was shocked to find myself described as like Banksy because many people must have seen me doing them – it’s noisy work and one of the sculptures took me six days.

I had a lovely surprise this evening, a good friend of mine has joined blip today! Time to stop here.
We’re off tomorrow to see Stephen’s brother and his wife for a bit of lunch and a catch-up at Bolton Abbey.

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