Play fighting

We’ve spend the afternoon at a retirement celebration for ex-colleagues, and before settling down for the evening, decide to go for a drive around the Orme. Of course, it’s far too early for any sort of sunset - but it’s clearly a great time for goat spotting! 

At first we come across a group grazing in the sun-kissed grass just before the summit road. Then, as we drive around the western flanks, I spot two young goats clambering over the low stone walls to join a larger group grazing on the steep cliff sides. These are all nannies and the younger males; the larger billies with their muscular builds, huge horns and flowing silky coats are elsewhere - indeed we encounter one band of these as we descend the road back into the town. But here, on the steep slopes of the Orme, the younger males are already trying out their strength, butting heads while hooves kick up the bone-dry dust. 

It’s this scene that makes my main today, with extras of the earlier grazers in the sun, and a youngster carelessly careering along the precipitous slopes.  

Just in case you haven’t heard of our Kashmiri goats who shot to fame when they took over the seaside town’s streets in lockdown, there’s a link below.

Finally, many thanks for your kind response to yesterday’s little kingfisher! 

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