
Strava Day 417.  Reading, forest bath and mindful walk done.

*Featured photo is my nephew, Alex (Alexander Uy). In the extras are some of the other mobile photos I took converted to black and white via Snapseed. Wanted Alex on the highlight because it is rare to capture a sharp shot of him as he is often always moving.

*Reread parts of Bethlehem Shoal's article this morning which led me to google Steve Wozniak (the late Steve Jobs' partner/collaborator). Apparently, Steve Wozniak's net worth is way lower because of his "disinterest in money" as he thinks money corrupts one's values (I concur with this philosophy that is why most of the time I literally walk away whenever I hear family members discuss heir's bonds).
Also like that Wozniak, according to Business Insider, puts emphasis on the importance of "having fun" with both your work and life.
Gramps just got back from his daily cycling, Gramma just woke up while B and T are still both asleep. Still have to run errands and finish chores. If you happen to have the patience to read this entry, thank you. Have a good one!

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