Marsupium Photography

By magi

66787 trundling along

WFH. Good progress on the web mapping project. It's getting there. Most of the features are now implemented (at least for the first round). Now I just need the actual data.

Lunchtime walk in the cemetery. Found some new beasties. I particularly liked the hoverfly with the batman marking on its thorax (a Myathropa florea, see extra). For once I was in the right bit of the cemetery and I could hear the train rumbling along giving me enough time to get ready for it. I haven't blipped a freight train on the South Sub in over a year.

Looks like more Brexit predictions are coming to pass. The government has decided that it is no  longer illegal to hire temporary staff when the workforce is on strike. Another serious kicking for ordinary, working people. The Tories are catapulting the UK back into the 19th century. 

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