Marsupium Photography

By magi

predator under the sofa...

While I was still faffing around I saw this movement on the rug. I thought it was a mouse. Turns out it was a giant house spider (Eratigena atrica) scuttling along. It was not that much smaller than a mouse. I don't think I have seen a spider this big in the flat before. Anyway, this morning it was elsewhere. Apparently, they are among the fastest invertebrates in the UK and the largest spiders. 

Another day of packing. Today, I dismantled all the computing stuff. I have found a new home for some of the bits. The rest is coming. The extra shows the hard drives that have come out of the fileserver. They will come with me on the plane and go into a new fileserver. The yellow external disk contains all the data. My parents have a backup. The red and white pi is our pihole - it blocks most of the adverts and makes the internet usable. The scanner I got from my dad years ago. It still works fine and is quite useful sometimes. Otherwise lots and lots of cables.

I am now on the laptop and am using the original router that came with our connection. The access point is way better in covering all of the flat. Also on the laptop to do the processing. It is somewhat slower than the big computer and I noticed that the charger doesn't work. I suspect there is an issue with the power connector. Something to investigate tomorrow.

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