In the Garden

Normally when I visit Alfie I am not allowed in the garden because I harass Bracken the pet rabbit, but today Sue said I could practice not chasing him. So here I am being VERY GOOD.
Actually I think Sue felt sorry for me as I have realised that I'm not as speedy as I used to be, I think old age is creeping up.
This afternoon, for our walk, we went to Poppy's Wood, another bit of the National Forest. Sue likes taking me to the National Forest because there are no sheep, its always fully enclosed and there are usually streams for me to wallow in. Anyway today we took two balls and a thrower. We have to take two balls because Alfie does not always "drop" and runs off with the ball. However Alfie is also very fast and beats me to the ball each time!
I got fed up and only went after the ball if Sue asked me to find it when Alfie had lost it. I am very good at that and Sue was very pleased with me.

She still says, however, that I need some proper sleep time and I must stop being so obssessed with Bracken, all I do all day is watch him and I'll be really really tired when Ann comes back.

But I can't understand why would you have a rabbit in your garden if you're not allowed to chase him......?

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