Tuxedo Junction

Last night I had work. There are no humorous things to report - it was a long, tough night. No details, just to say it is the kind of things that result when severe untreated childhood PTSD affects an artistic, sensitive neurodiverse soul who does not and cannot fit into the boxes that culture and religion requires that they squeeze into.

Nonetheless there were some great customers and some practical help from a visitor at a particularly trying time of the evening.

Once home we had a couple of drinks - I'm trying to avoid the involuntary teetotalism again so that I can drink socially when I get the chance and not be three sheets to the wind after one glass! It ended up being 4 AM when we went to bed, but it was 1 AM by the time I got home from work!

And 11 AM when I got up this morning! No matter, I had no plans other than staying in my PJ's until I have to go to work tonight and finding an indoor Blip! That was made easy by seeing this sight in the back yard when I walked through the kitchen. Three lovely, very different Tuxedo cats!

Today is our gorgeous youngest daughter Grace's 25th birthday. I hope she and her lovely girlfriend Sophia have a super day. Grace of course is someone else who does not fit in the societal and cultural boxes. I want to see a world where there are no boxes and the only rules are kindness, tolerance and "harm none"

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