
It's this sort of time I wonder if I should become a paid up member of the Conservative party. That's the only way I could have some say in the appointment of our next Prime Minister. There's a debate on tonight: Liz Truss has been seen looking girlish, dressed in red, smiling a lot and trying to look sincere. If you can fake that you've got it made, as George Burns famously said. There's another bloke in it too, he wears nice suits but they're always too small for him. Maybe he buys children's size so he doesn't have to pay VAT. 

I was short of a blip, it's been a bit dull today but it's brightened up a little this afternoon. I thought these sheep would do the job with the valley behind. This one dropped his head just as I pressed the shutter. I gave a whistle and he looked up again.

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