River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Cow Parsley?

Absolutely had to finish packing a "box of goodies" for my 2 little granddaughters this morning, did so after eating my breakfast and before making my coffee. MrD kindly offered to take it to the post office - it's finally on its way with apologies for delay, sorry girls xx
Decided to take a chance on the weather and 2 lots of washing dried outdoors.
Watched another episode of "Inspector Montalbano: The Voice of the Violin".
I did the unthinkable today - forgot to take a photo!!!! I tend to have my phone in my pocket and take a few photos during the day but it was 8:30 this evening when I suddenly remembered, was thinking of doing a sunset but doesn't look very promising ...
I've added a question mark to today's title as I may have incorrectly named this ... please help!! Thank you / Diolch yn fawr / Grazie mille :-)) x 
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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