Carneddau Cloudscape

With temperatures halved from last Monday, gusty winds and an ever-present threat of drizzle, G has to drag me out of the house late this afternoon - not quite ‘kicking and screaming’, but I really don’t want to go. 

My reluctance isn’t helped by the drizzle rapidly developing into steady rain as we drive towards Llandudno. Yet there does seem to be something of the promised break in clouds as we approach West Shore; the rain has stopped which makes a beach walk just about bearable. 

We set off in opposite directions; it’s not the result of a ‘domestic’, just that our plans are different. He wants two fast-paced circuits of the prom; I’m looking for photo-opportunities- though I’m really far from optimistic. 

Of course, West Shore seldom disappoints, and the scene is frequently embellished by broken sunlight shimmering on the sea or sand or distant hills. Clouds gather with dark heaviness over the hills, spilling down their slopes, and a low tide reveals the usual varieties of rock and weed and water. In this unseasonal weather, the beach is almost deserted, but a couple have walked far out to the tidal limits of the bay and stand silhouetted, dwarfed by the towering Carneddau clouds. 

Thanks again for your kind responses to the past days’ Wirral blips, and for Daniel’s birthday wishes. 

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