Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Feet up

Spent most of the day today at home trying to sort the front room out so that Rafi might be able to come home for a few hours before he goes to Tadworth for rehab.
He was very frustrated yesterday and kept lashing out at people ( particularly Kiera ). He actually has quite a strong right hook! We totally understand why he is feeling like this, but it is very difficult to witness, particularly as we know that he would never be like this normally. These aren't normal circumstances and I can't imagine how he must be feeling. All I can do is try and comfort him,explain how far he has come already and that things will continue to get better.
Yesterday when I asked him where he wanted to go in his wheelchair he said 'home'. We hadn't planned for him to visit home before Tadworth as the house isn't set up for him yet. I would like to get the house as ready as I can in case it becomes a possibility.
The day that I see him back in the house on our lovely big family sized corner settee which he helped to choose will be a very emotional one.
Olivia and Lois visited Rafi today and apparently he gave them both a hug! I had worried in case he wanted to practise his boxing skills on them!
The ward had been really noisy and this has been adding to Rafi's distress, he gets very little break from the sound of upset children and the general noisy hub bub of the ward. Colin told me that first thing this morning he escaped from the ward with Rafi to the peace and quiet of the hospital chapel. This is the only peaceful place we have found and Rafi seems to enjoy going there.

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