Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Today's been good, for the most part. Little Man and I went to Lidl to get some milk and bread, before taking a long and meandering way home. He's really been enjoying the ability to climb everything and often pulls himself up onto his knees and balances against objects or people. He's very proud of his abilities. He'll also balance on his feet and hold someone's hands for support for a few moments. It won't be long before our little munchkin is walking.

With the schools having broken up and people traveling for holidays, social media has been awash with travel pictures. I miss traveling. I used to do so much of it over my single years and sometimes still find it really difficult living in one place for long periods. I was so used to packing up after a few months and moving on, that living in one place for years is still a foreign concept. So I started painting again. I am gonna sell some of my paintings where I can (though I want to stock up a few completed pieces before I do so).

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