Legacy Award

The Hitchcock Center for the Environment in Amherst celebrated its 50th anniversary with a very well-attended gala celebration tonight (at a hotel in town). John Green received a well-deserved "Legacy Award for Education," as a "Hero for a Healthy Planet".

A good friend, John is a superb naturalist, nature photographer and teacher. He has been involved with a multitude of activities at the center since 1973 and served on the board of directors for 25 years. With him is Julie Johnson, director of the center for the past 12 years, who is spearheading a capital campaign for an ambitious new building on the nearby campus of Hampshire College. The center has been steadily expanding its reach and is fast outgrowing the converted barn which serves as its current quarters.

I have exhibited and given presentations at the center, most recently for the children in its summer day camps.

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