eDNA testing in the Thames

This morning while kayaking near Kingston bridge we came across this boat and wondered what they were doing. So we asked! 

They are taking samples for Thames Water to test for eDNA to see what living organisms are present. I did not know about eDNA but apparently when an organism such as a fish moves through the water it is constantly shedding bits of itself, like dead skin cells, mucus or faeces. The DNA in this organic matter is known as eDNA and can indicate the presence of fish even if none are seen. The samples are being taken every 800m so will take several weeks. Let’s hope they find that there are lots of fish etc. There are certainly a lot of fishermen on the stretch between Kingston and Hampton Court . They told us they may find traces of tuna…….if someone has discarded a tuna sandwich!

Much chillier on the river today than last week. Lots of children taking part in various water based courses…kayaking, sailing in Picos and some on dragon boats too.

We took the kayaks out from Lensbury where the Lionesses are staying and training. They had not arrived back from their exciting semi-final victory last night but no doubt will be there training tomorrow and I may see them if I go to a class or to swim.  There will probably be lots of press/TV trying to do interviews etc.

Although the sky has been grey all day there has still been no rain. 

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