Ladies who Lunch

When I woke up this morning I didn't expect to be doing an interview for local radio about the raffle the Bonfire Committee is running this weekend to raise fund for our community bonfire. However a request came in and I was the only one available and so I did it. It was actually quite fun and possibly better for not having had too much time to fret over it. 

I then meet fellow blipper Nadine for lunch today - she was stopping in Pitlochry to charge her car on her way further north. It was lovely to see her and chat in person and we had a wee stroll afterwards where we looked (unsuccessfully) for cinnebar moth caterpillars. I shall continue looking. 

Afterwards I went to visit KL for a chat and tea - it had a while since I'd seen her too. 

An early evening visit to the hairdresser's beckons. 

In between times I've continued my initial researching into Livingstons on Easdale and came across a Duncan Livingston (who may or may not be a relative) was was murdered there in 1831.  Needless to say this has caught my attention. 

Quite enough excitement for one day. 

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