
I returned home tired yesterday. A long day.
Went out to feed Midnight, but I noticed all the bird's fatballs had been eaten up. It was like an invasion had taken place. But who had eaten them all?
Refilled them.

At the time of midnight something was walking on my hand. I woke up immediately. But couldn't see the culprit. I have a spider bite on my arm that has been there more than a week. It was two pronged in the centre. It is about the size of an old sixpence. But it goes into blisters, they burst, scab over, goes into blisters again, bursts and so on. I am waiting for little aliens to come out of it. I have been putting essential lavender oil on it. Stops it from being so itchy, but that is all. So, I didn't go back to sleep the rest of the night, my brain had gone on to high alert.

Just at dawn I fell asleep, opened my eyes an hour later, and Midnight is doing Simon's Cat impressions on the other side of my glass door. They were very impressive impressions, and I lay there watching him. He got more and more frantic. I was waiting for his paw to point to his mouth...

Finally, I got out of bed, but I noticed there were many more sparrow visitors than usual, all pecking madly at the fatballs. Mrs Bluetit was trying to keep order.

And the Simon's Cat impersonator got his breakfast He is definitely slimming down, slightly narrower. Catching those midnight mice must be good for him.

I won't be going out today, I need a rest, perhaps I will see how many sparrow visitors are about.

Creative this morning is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope pointed at my foot pillow. My left leg needs to be raised during the night to stop the ligaments from being so painful.

I need another cuppa.

And maybe a nap. Simon's Cat impersonator is overseeing the stray cat breakfast bar. I think I can safely have a nap.

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