Let the sun Illuminate your words

A packet arrived yesterday for Boy.

We stood and looked at it; it’s very rare we get mail for him and he normally announces it’s imminent arrival.

Not this one.

I glanced at the return address and Noted it was a publishing Company and then I got excited.

I Text Boy; I text Jess .. no response…. I sent them a photo of the post mark! ‘can I open. ? Can I open?

Fifteen minutes later….. ‘yes’

And inside, the contents generated much squealing In the cruse house and on the street of Buenos Ares and In North Carolina!

7 Pages of a most beautiful magazine ….‘wired for Adventure’. My Boy’s words and Jess’ beautiful photos!

Their first published combined work’.

To say we were proud doesn’t do it Justice … just to see their names in Print was amazing …. To
See Stevie discussed in the editorial…wow!

And then I read the piece!

I know he can write. He always has been able to; but this piece. Beautiful and special! It’s not just about travel and adventures. It’s about living your Best life. It’s about finding what makes your heart happy and going for it!

Onward and upward Boy! Onward

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