Walking on glacial landforms

We spent the night in one of our favourite spots, the swimming spot in Sunnet, near Graninge.  Glancing at Google maps I saw a walk marked that started only 500 m away. I clicked forward to get more information and it looked interesting, following a path between two lakes. At 3,5 km long it suited our timetable too, as we had to be back in town for 4 o'clock.
Just as we were leaving the swimming spot a British camper van arrived, so we stayed and chatted with them a while. It threw our schedule off a little but was still fun.
This picture shows part of the walk that follows a narrow ribbon of land running through a lake. The land falls away quite steeply on both sides, down to water.
I learned about glacial landforms at school, college, and in the university of life so I knew this was an esker (Wikipedia link) I was walking along.
These are much bigger than I imagined when I learned about them from my textbooks!  Of course, I didn't realise those ice-age glaciers could be 3 km thick (deep?) either, so my scale was way way out. I marked the photo, and esker, on the Blipfoto map but it isn't always good at showing lakes so I added an extra, showing the satellite view, so you can see this strange landform.
Anyway, eskers are well drained, making for good paths and judging by these trees they provide a good environment for pine trees!
We shortened the walk a little and Jan drove us home. 10 minutes to get changed, switch vehicles, and head into town for a farewell meal with Gustav and Jona, heading south to live close to their kids, which is probably sensible as they are approaching 80.
As they move out of our lives little Freya arrives. She is our great niece and was born early this morning. She arrived in something of a hurry so she was born at home with only her dad to help. The ambulance and midwives arrived shortly after the birth but everything had gone well so mother and baby stayed where they were.
We very much look forward to seeing her next time we are in England.

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