Living my dream

By Mima

White basket fungus

This gorgeous thing has popped up in the garden bed behind the guest cabin; no doubt thanks to the rain. It is native to New Zealand and Australia. You can find out more here.

The weather hasn't finished with us. After dark yesterday there was a huge thunderstorm accompanied by hail. 

Bean doesn't mind thunder in the slightest, but she wasn't happy about the hail and ended up turning into a lap dog. That didn't last very long: she is very sharp and bony. So she consoled herself by invading my end of the sofa, lying as close to me as was physically possible without being turfed off. Fortunately the storm lasted only about half an hour. 

This morning we woke to a hard frost and a skating rink outside the sleeping cabin. It was a dicey tiptoe up to the truck for breakfast.  

If you look carefully at the photo there are signs of spring there in the form of unidentifiable seedlings. While they are likely to be weeds I nevertheless welcome them as a sign...

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