Hulcott Church in Infra-red

I watched a talk online this afternoon with photographer Tony Sweet talking about his work with infra-red.  The images were amazing although his presentation was not very inspiring.  It must have been a strange experience for him though as all the 130+ participants were not visible at all and only the (equally dull) RPS host seen on screen.

It did inspire me, though, to take out my infra-red camera on the walk with Pepper, despite the conditions being totally wrong - hardly any direct sun and the grass was more white than green! It makes an interesting black & white picture though, even if I probably don't do the correct method of conversion. 
This morning I sorted out the bathroom cupboard in our motorhome as it seems to have got rather full with all sorts of items, including several duplicates.  Best to take everything out and review what's there. Now it's all clean and tidy...for a while anyway!
I also finished adding all the Ireland images into my Lightroom catalogue - deleting many in the process. I was pleased that quite a few from the Birds of Prey display are worthy of a second look; I did, though, delete LOTS!

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