
By dfb24


...was in South Milwaukee's Heritage Days Parade this morning, and what a trooper. She wasn't feeling very well when she woke up, but didn't want to miss the parade, so Jennie took her to the starting point, telling her if she started feeling worse to have the chaperone call her. Mae sat down inside the car for most of the parade, but when she saw us along the route she climbed up on the back seat and waved.  The parade was a really good one & had over 100 units consisting of bands, dancers, clowns, acrobats, veterans, musicians, Revolutionary War fife and drum corps, Civil War Reenactors, etc., & lasted well over an hour! They've had the Heritage Day Parade every year since the late 1940's, and it was great to see the streets lined with so many people out supporting it. I was trying to get a nice photo of Noelia, but she was getting tired and didn't want to cooperate, so she put the flag in front of her face.  :) 
(I put a collage of the guys from the Milwaukee Flyers in the extras--one jump on the trampoline and they were airborne--amazing.)

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