On a high wire

The spotted doves tend to sit on these high wires crisscrossing the road. Certainly they are rarely seen walking along the high wire. S is not enamoured of the doves. Their almost constant cooiung is the most prevalent bird sound around this part of Titirangi. Tui intermittently dominate the bird calls. However, for much of the day they are lesewhere. At night at least one Ruru (the Morepork, or New Zealand owl) makes it very distinctive call -hence the name in English- and there is at least one in the trees surrounding our house. I have yet to see it.

Later on my run this afternoon I saw a Kereru (New Zealand wood pigeon) and managed a reasonable photograph of it eating the new leaves at the top of a roadside tree. That is a bird which is more appreciated, but I preferred theway this photo came out. The dove was in direct sunlight, while in front of roadside trees that became no more than blackness.

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