A dazzled worm?

I went for a long walk in Woolley Wood this morning. I haven't been back since the late spring, when I was taking photos of the spectacular bluebells and wild garlic there.
This is my effort for MM this week, the 'worm's eye view'. In this case, a look upwards through sunlit beech leaves.
It was an odd walk, in a way. Usually I'm very relaxed in these woods, where to date I've never had an unfriendly encounter. But this morning there were a few agitated dogs around, some within sight and others barking frantically, out of sight (definitely more of a concern). As a long-time dog owner in the past, I'm not usually worried about dogs, but some of the owners I passed weren't paying that much attention, and occasionally dogs can react badly to a photographer lurking in the undergrowth.
All was well, however, and towards the end of the walk I took photos of a couple of art works that will go into the local public art database project I'm contributing to. 
As I was finishing this, a friendly man (with his small, calm dog) came up to chat, and pointed out a couple of art works in the Wood that I didn't know about. This was welcome.  We compared notes on the numbers of dead or dying trees we'd seen, too. I think these are probably mainly ash trees, as ash die-back disease is having quite a lot of impact here. But I'm not sure; it'll be worth having a closer look next time I'm there.

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