Reading time

A quiet moment sitting down in the sheltered bit at bottom of garden. Finished my book and on to the next one. The Girl Who Wasn’t There by Ferdinand Von someone. Enjoyed it. Been on the bookshelf for yonks. I am transfixed by the beauty of that begonia. I bought a pack of bulbs reduced to 1.50 in Aldi in June and every single one I planted has given me amazing flowers. Some white some red. They start these tiny little flowers and transform into stunning beauties. I used to avoid buying begonias but no more!

I walked into town to the bank to put in two paper 20 quid notes I found clearing out. Something for my tea , some raspberries and walked home.
I was listening to an interesting podcast by Dr Rangan Chattergee speaking to professor Shane O’Mara on Walking, the superpower you didn’t know you had, how it is under-rated as an exercise and the real good it does if you do enough of it. So interesting. U.K. average is around 5k steps a day and this was me latterly when I turned lazy just before I retired . Now I’m averaging over 15k steps a day and my Fitbit report told me this morning I walked 47.28 miles last week burning average of 2428 calories.

Seen photos from the Jamboree and it all looks great. They had a big concert going on in the evening, and saw Ben on a photo doing some building with his freshly tie dyed t shirt. They weren’t allowed mobile phones to go with them , so it’s all just the official photos we see.

I was knackered by 9:30 and headed to bed.

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