Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

There are a great many swans in Bedford, but as far as I can tell, only three families with cygnets. One pair has two, one pair has eight and this pair has seven. This family hangs out at the east end of town whereas the other two are closer to the Town Bridge.

I am happy to report a MUCH happier day in the new job today. One of the friendly folk from the company upstairs came down to introduce themselves and ask if I fancied a tour of their floor. I did. They are a much more realistic and friendly group of people and thank goodness, I'll be working very closely with them. There were also some other friendly faces on my floor today as well, so I guess I just got unlucky with all the vinegar personalities yesterday.
I've been given a code for the door so I can come and go without sitting in the lobby. I've been told I might be able to park my bike undercover (details to be revealed to me tomorrow). I've been sent a payslip for the couple of days I was working from home unofficially last week, which came as a huge surprise, and I've found a document that explains how to do my job with a bit more detail than I understood yesterday. 
So yes, I'm paddling with a little more grace today.

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