Cael gwerth eich arian

Cael gwerth eich arian ~ A good run for your money

“It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.”
—Leo Buscaglia

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Gwnaethon yn cael llawer o hwyl gyda Sam heddiw. Roedden ni wedi prynu rhediad marmor i adeiladu, ond feindion ni y roedd e'n anodd adeiladu beth roedden ni eisiau gyda'r set... Felly roeddwn i fynd i lawr i'r siop i brynu un arall union yr un fath. Gwnaeth e holl y gwahaniaeth - roedd e'n well iawn gyda dwywaith y darnau.

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We had a lot of fun with Sam today. We had bought a marble run to build, but we found it difficult to build what we wanted with the set... So I went down to the shop to buy another identical one. It made all the difference - it was much better with twice the pieces.

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