Day Today

By Feathers14


Watching the days go by when I can't afford to, because exams start in 3 weeks.

This is how life felt today. It was incredibly strange and I had a lot of realisations, though none of them that profound.

I realised that I actually love writing. This is coming from someone who dropped all essay writing subjects as soon as As-levels kicked in because I hated writing. Now I've learned to love it, and it's probably because it's been my own choice to get round to doing it. I've not blipped properly in weeks which is a real shame because I enjoy it, and the people whose journals I follow deserve my time and respect looking through things properly as opposed to a superficial glance, so apologies there.

Today made me think of the post exam period. In exactly 4 weeks (to the day) I shall be finished with my 3rd year of studying and I can lie in the sun, read books, chill with friends, muck around, play games, relax, get back to the gym, get back to breakdance training and do all the things I want to do, now. It's quite distracting to have to work when all you'd rather do is think about what you would like to get up to this Summer.

I want exams to be over. I'm wishing my life away and so caught up in the near future that I'm missing the near-present and drifting along.

Okay so the weather has been really screwed up recently and when I saw these clouds they caught my eye. Once upon a time I'm sure I knew the technical term for them (thanks to my year 9 Geography teacher, Mr. Bee - what a name for Geography teacher!) but now the word escapes me. Cumulus nimbus (sp?) is the only thing I remember... Anyways, they didn't look anything like the clouds we normally get in the UK. These had texture, the looked solid, like you could walk on them. It reminded me of the glacier in Chamonix that I visited with Eve. The complete opposite to the blanket of grey bland mass that normally covers the skies.

It's a minimalist picture and offered me a moment of clarity in my wandering though patterns.


I like the texture, the deep blue and the solitary bird flying across the sky. A dislike is that because the sky is blue and pure, you can see 'blocking' of colours from where the file was exported as a JPEG from Lightroom... It does a fantastically good job of ruining the flowing spectrum of colours, but still.

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